Frère S
[ Frère Sourire & Frère Sérieux ]
Is the artist name of Filip Steeno
°Leuven (Belgium)
At an early age he developed an interest for music,
especially for percussion instruments and drums.
His drumteacher was Armand Van de Walle.
Filip played in several bands like
Dave Duncan Band (now Café Noir),
The Manchester Carry Chain,
Sam Cooke Singers (EMI Belgium),
The Sunriders (EMI Belgium)
and Eli Jones (EMI Belgium).
He studied
Applied Computer Science,
Philosophy, Theology
and Accountancy (Assistant).
During a pilgrimage in 1994 to Medjugorje
he experienced the love of the Gospa,
the Mother of God.
Ordained a
priest in 2007.
In 2015 he started with Frère Sourire
In 2021 he started with Reggae 2 Jazz
and in 2022 he started with Frère Sérieux
Together with Mick Monjé, a Tibetan philosopher,
Liber Spiritus
was born, a new spiritual project to help people.
To be continued...
God bless you!
“New single of Frère Sérieux is released: 'De Tuin' ”